Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm trying to keep up with my blogging. I think it'll be pretty easy to do now that the summer has officially begun. I'm not taking any classes, most everyone is out of town, and my only time commitment is work for five hours every day. Not bad. Plenty of time to write.

Anyway, I'm wearing quite a smile today. I don't know how to describe it. I have a million wonderful thoughts in my head and so much happiness inside me it's ridiculous. I talked to my baby's namesake the other day. I'm glad for that. We haven't spoken in a while, and I really miss him.

I hope to see Up on Tuesday or Wednesday with my favorite person of the day. I've heard it's REALLY good. And I want to catch it in 3D for sure.

Since I first heard about the Blink reunion, I've been following Mark Hoppus on twitter. His stuff is actually pretty entertaining. If he weren't so funny, I'd delete my account right now. You should check him out. Ashton Kutcher's twitter, on the other hand, is dumb. I really don't know how that poor guy has so many followers.

I'm trying to plan a camping trip this summer. I've had this [free] tent for a year now and am itching to christen it. I also love camping.

I'm reallyreallyreallyreallyreally smiling big today. It's ridiculous. I feel like I just took a supercrazy huge step in my life. I may have just made a friend. And he may have stolen my Whataburger and my brownies. Well, actually the brownies were for him. Eat them all, babe!

Plans for this week: Recover, sleep, get some food in my stomach, work, get paid, pay some bills, hit the movies, spend some time by the pool, chill with my homies.

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