Thursday, October 29, 2009

I've decided to write a book.

I got my first words on paper tonight. So far there are 626 of them. I also have a few titles I'm working with. Not sure how everything will turn out. I'm 1% of the way through! I'm really excited about this.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Dallas Is Not My Favorite Place

I'm in Dallas now. No job, no school, two friends, no boyfriend, and essentially no car. What to do with my time?

I need a hobby. Currently, my only one is helping my mom take care of her new horse for about two hours each day. He's a pretty cool animal. There's a horse on that ranch who loves me, though. He followed me around in the pouring rain for half an hour today. I think it's pretty well decided that we're friends.

In other news, I have no other news. I spend my days watching tv, looking for a job, and surfing the web. I'm trying to figure a way out of Texas as soon as possible, but that's still slow going.

I really have nothing to write about. Maybe after a nap.