Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Time Is Not Mine

Today has been quite an eventful day.

It began with a visit to the new psychiatrist. She prescribed me some Zoloft. Says she wants to keep me on it for at least a year. She wanted me to start it today, so I had to run to the drug store to get the prescription filled. It was 11:30. They said it would be ready between 1:00 and 1:30. So I went home and ordered some Chinese.

The food was supposed to be ready by 1:20. When I got to the restaurant to pick up my [less than] delicious meal, the hostess told me they hadn't received my order. Their fax machine was out of paper (obviously this didn't matter to them), and three other orders shot out before mine did. Wow. They're a great establishment. I'll certainly [NOT] be returning to give them more of my business.

Anyway, so I left for the drug store to pick up my pills. I got there at 1:30, and they hadn't even begun to fill the prescription. Oh yeah, and I had a doctor's appointment that I had to be at by 2:10. Rush! So I wait for about ten more minutes for them to fill that and get me checked out. Then I race back to the Chinese joint and grab my meal. It didn't taste as good as I thought it would be, but it wasn't too bad.

By now it's almost 2:00 and I still have to find a parking spot on campus. Ugh. Luckily I found a 30 minute spot pretty close to the clinic and was able to make my appointment. The stink part was that I got there early, and the doctor didn't see me until 2:50. She prescribed me some steroids and muscle relaxers for my back. I thought for sure I'd have a parking ticket ($50--eep!), but I got lucky. Thank goodness.

Long story short, I'm now on a total of five prescriptions; and I'm seeing two counselors, a psychiatrist, and a physical therapist. Time is not mine.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I don't receive any love.

Everybody wants me to get better, but nobody wants to help me get better. Tell me I'm wrong.

I dare you.

Friday, February 13, 2009


I'm a little bit of a hypochondriac. I've actually gotten better over time. And don't worry about me; the first step is admitting you have a problem.

But here's the real problem: Headaches and back pain. And nausea. And lower abdominal pain. Also, my chest is doing crazy stuff.
Let's start at the beginning: since Last Tuesday, I've been experiencing a new kind of pain in my back. It hurt for a couple weeks, then the pain stopped for a while, and now it has returned. It's extremely uncomfortable. I have no idea what's causing it. All I know is that it's not muscle pain. I know what muscle pain feels like. Anyway, so abdominal pain: feels like cramps. Sometimes it gets pretty ugly. Now, the hard part. Chest: since Last Tuesday, I've been experiencing strange feelings in my chest. My heart either feels like it's skipping beats or it's pounding out of my chest. Fun. And most days, I struggle to breathe. There's some other weird stuff, too, that I still don't have words for.

Anyway, so the fun part is either googling my symptoms or looking them up on WebMD and seeing what I get. These are the fun ones:

--Pregnancy (I'm not pregnant, for sure for sure. If I were, I'd be due in about two months)
--Heart Attack
--Vertebral Compression Fracture
--Aortic Aneurysm
--Gallstones/Gallbladder Infection
--Herniated Disc
--Liver Disease

I'm pretty sure I don't have any of these. They're all pretty easy to detect. Either way, this back pain is keeping me up at night, as are the headaches. Wee!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Happy Breakup Season


Keep your eyes out for some really awesome Ninja Turtle valentines from yours truly.

Friday the 13th: I'm gonna go see Friday the 13th. The new movie. It's gonna be awesome. Actually, it'll probably suck (because remakes always do), but I'll still enjoy it.

News, news, news...my dad's family is letting me borrow their van until I can save up enough money to get a car of my own. I took my dog for a ride tonight. It was pretty awesome.

Other news: I've been pre-approved to jump on the Anthropology wagon. My GPR rocks and my conduct is square.

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG Watchmen in a month! I can't begin to describe how pumped I am. I miss my novel. I want it back so I can read it again. And again. And again.

Also, I'm addicted to The Office and have been a stage 5 House addict since I got out of the hospital. I can't get enough. And I'm still always hungry. But the migraines seem to be under control after two days of Excedrin. The Ex makes me supernauseous, but I just take some dramamine to kick the side effects in the teeth.

I'm still trying to find some friends...or something...but I'm hesitant to do so until I get my psych eval and stuff taken care of. Don't wanna pull anybody else into the swirling vortex of terror that is my emotional self.


Monday, February 2, 2009


I'm trying it.