Sunday, February 8, 2009

Happy Breakup Season


Keep your eyes out for some really awesome Ninja Turtle valentines from yours truly.

Friday the 13th: I'm gonna go see Friday the 13th. The new movie. It's gonna be awesome. Actually, it'll probably suck (because remakes always do), but I'll still enjoy it.

News, news, dad's family is letting me borrow their van until I can save up enough money to get a car of my own. I took my dog for a ride tonight. It was pretty awesome.

Other news: I've been pre-approved to jump on the Anthropology wagon. My GPR rocks and my conduct is square.

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG Watchmen in a month! I can't begin to describe how pumped I am. I miss my novel. I want it back so I can read it again. And again. And again.

Also, I'm addicted to The Office and have been a stage 5 House addict since I got out of the hospital. I can't get enough. And I'm still always hungry. But the migraines seem to be under control after two days of Excedrin. The Ex makes me supernauseous, but I just take some dramamine to kick the side effects in the teeth.

I'm still trying to find some friends...or something...but I'm hesitant to do so until I get my psych eval and stuff taken care of. Don't wanna pull anybody else into the swirling vortex of terror that is my emotional self.


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